Collection: Nurse Honor Guard of Eastern Ohio

Welcome to the Nurse Honor Guard of Eastern Ohio’s Merchandise Page. In this space, you can explore merchandise designed for marketing purposes, to wear with honor, and to share as gifts among our NHG volunteers, creating a tangible representation of the camaraderie and appreciation that defines your act of kindness.

Nurse Honor Guard of Eastern Ohio Mission Statement

The Nurse Honor Guard, Delta Xi Chapter recognizes those individuals who dedicated their lives to the profession of nursing. The purpose of this organization is to provide comfort to the family and community as they grieve. We hope to inspire others to consider this profession and remind audiences to respect and value nurses throughout the world.


If you have a specific vision in mind and can't find it among our offerings featuring the Nurse Honor Guard of Eastern Ohio logo, please feel free to reach out to We are more than willing to collaborate and create customized items that resonate with your unique ideas. Your input is invaluable, and we want to ensure that you find exactly what you're looking for to honor the Nurse Honor Guard Of Eastern Ohio and celebrate the legacy of fellow nurses. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in the Nurse Honor Guard.

In extending our deepest gratitude, we want to express our sincere appreciation the selfless act of caring and commitment you show in honoring fellow nurses.

-The Burrowed Closet